The Red Poodle – Dog Agility Training Tip

The Red Poodle – Dog Agility Training Tip

Louie's Outspoken World Views
Dog Agility Training Tip from Louie

This is Louie, The Red Poodle, here with a dog agility training tip. Patience is the key.  After a few frustrating sessions, I believe I had a breakthrough yesterday in my agility class.  I might look a little sad in my photo, but I’m not.  I’m just wiped out.  Really, really tired.  I want my mom to help me into bed, but she won’t.  She insists that I make it on my own.  After all, I am learning to jump.  The class is 50 minutes of non-stop movement.  Jumping over things, running up and over other things, and blindly dashing through something that looks like a long tunnel.  I admit I was kinda afraid at first, but the nice piece of chicken I was offered was irresistible.

 The Red Poodle – I’m A Standard Poodle

Just for the record, I’m a standard poodle.  A red one at that.  We come in all sizes, toy, miniature, teacup, etc.  I think being a standard makes it a little harder to shine in my agility class.  Plus I’m only 14 months old and all legs.  I loose control a lot.  But, I’m competitive and now that I understand better what this agility thing is all about I won’t give up.

Outspoken World Views
Dog Agility Training Tip from Louie The Red Poodle

Like I said, I think I had a breakthrough.  More about that after I complain a little more.  So, I’m a very sociable guy.  As a matter of fact there isn’t a dog I don’t like–some people no so much if they are mean to animals and don’t believe in climate control.  But I want every dog and cat to be my friend.  And I do enjoy being admired.  Anyway, as I was saying, I like introducing myself to the other pooches and tussling around a bit.  Well it seems like that’s not what agility is about.  My mom showed me this video and something clicked for me.  Take a look at it here.  I wanna beat this guy.  By the way, I train at the  Oh, and you can get agility equipment at Amazon

I’m still pretty young, but if you’d like to know about my early life history,   check out About Me.

I love attention.  Let me hear from you.  You can even ask me a question.
